The prayer shawl ministry has been one that has happened here at Rivertown for many years. The prayer shawls can be seen as a tangible representation of “You are prayed for you” or “You are thought about”. The purpose of making them is to knit God’s love, care and warmth into shawls for those who need them.

The reasons for requesting a shawl can range widely – from illness to celebration, from worrying or stressful circumstances to individuals rising to new challenges or simply as a mark of our deep rooted connection. The recipients do not need to be members of this congregation as this is also a form of prayer outreach to the wider community. If you know someone who would like a prayer shawl or scarf then please do contact us here.
Anyone interested in supporting this ministry is welcome to participate in a number of ways:-
- By volunteering to add their name to the list of knitters willing to knit or crochet a shawl or scarf.
- By donating money or the materials and wool for the team to make the shawls or scarves.
- By praying for both the makers and recipients of these prayer shawls or scarves.
People knitting and participating in this ministry find it a profoundly enriching and humbling experience. The feedback that has been received from many who have received a shawl or scarf, that they are a constant reminder that they have been and are being prayed for, is something which is deeply touching.

We thank God for the privilege He has given us of serving Him through the prayer shawl ministry.