In the United Reformed Church, the eldership of a congregation is a significant ministry – the Elders share the responsibility, with the Minister of Word and Sacraments of spiritual oversight. It is important to remember the team element of eldership and that the Elders’ meeting is intended to be a distinctive and vital part of every congregation. The Elders collectively possess the abilities, skills and spiritual gifts of leadership. Elders, like Ministers of Word and Sacraments, are ordained for life and ordination is an outward sign of God’s call; it recognises both the spiritual nature of the call and the role that Elders play in church leadership. However, although ordination is for life it doesn’t mean that an Elder is expected to serve for the rest of their lives. It is usual for Elders to serve for set number of years and then have a sabbatical of at least a year. Elders not actively serving are known as nonserving Elders.
Rivertowns current eldership are

Sheila Kavanagh – Church Secretary & Safeguarding Officer
I’ve been part of Rivertown since my children were small!
I love meeting people and am excited to be part of a church with a real heart for our local community.

Linsey Dentith
I have been part of the Rivertown family for 30+ years.
I am responsible for our green area and am also part of a small team that produce the technology on a Sunday morning.

Glenis Griffiths
I have been part of Rivertown family for many years and have served as an elder for over 30. It is my spiritual home.
As part of the building team I am responsible for the invoicing of room hire.
My volunteering at ‘Food with Friends’’ and ‘Warm Welcome’ gives me an opportunity to engage with the community which I enjoy.
I feel these are exciting times as God leads Rivertown into the future, and I am privileged to be a part of this. I also love walking in the countryside and quizzing.

Sandra Johnston
I’ve been an Elder for 11 years.
I’m Pastoral Care co-ordinator and holder of the Rivertown prayer shawls.
I’m also one of the founders of Food with Friends and their treasurer.

Ruth Foreman
Elder for about 9 years, member since moving here in 2008.
Have been to several churches as we’ve moved around the country , but feel that Rivertown is my spiritual home.
Looking forward to exciting times ahead.
Areas of responsibility youth and children’s work and eco shurch.

Steve Winrow
The baby of the Eldership. I’m the odd job man and health and safety guy.
I have been an Elder for around 3 years and a Rivertown member for over 10.
As part of the communications team, I compile and publish the Rivertown Voice news letter every week as well as help with the technology on a Sunday.
My days are spent working as the caretaker at Croes Atti School in Shotton and volunteering at the local foodbank.

Revd Johnny O’ Hanlon – Minister of Word and Sacrament
I have had the absolute joy of being ordained by the members of Rivertown and this is my first pastorate as a minister.
In addition to my responsibilities at Rivertown I also serve as part of a team ministry alongside the other URC ministers of North Wales and support the URC churches in the area including, Horeb Church, Dyserth, St John’s Flint with Bagillt and Tabernacle, Holywell.
I am excited to find out what God has in store for us all; as we endeavour to open our doors even wider and our hearts, to find out where we can further serve our communities and share the good news of God love for all.