Rivertown is part of the United Reformed Church
It is a small church with a big heart and big plans for the future.
We are a very friendly church who tries to be God’s love in action by loving and supporting all within our fellowship and community.
Our vision is to be
“A church shining with God’s love and truth, growing together through worship and sharing God’s love in community “
As well as worshipping together on a Sunday we have a community hub three mornings a week with various agencies on hand to offer advice and support, these include CAB, Warm Wales, MIND, FCC Welfare, PACE (employment), The Wallich (substance abuse), BME support (ethnic groups), Wellness Lab, Nanny Biscuit (food pantry, uniform exchange etc), Credit Union and always someone from Rivertown to greet and direct our visitors to the appropriate agency. We are using the premises as a warm space when the hub is open. Working with other churches in the area, Food With Friends offer a weekly free meal. We have several local groups who make use of the building, these include Deeside Silver Band, Brownies, and a mental health drop in group. We have a monthly coffee morning and three times a year have a prayer outreach, giving out hot cross buns, fruit or mince pies and offering to pray for people.
We enjoy eating together whenever we can find an excuse to do so.
We have big plans to adapt our building to meet the needs of the fellowship and the community.
We are a church willing to try new things and to be led by the Holy Spirit. We are a church full of love and laughter and if something goes wrong, like the music stopping when it shouldn’t, we get through it together with good humour and resilience – it’s the Rivertown Way.